

Handpresso vs Minipresso Espresso Makers

2024年1月19日 — The results? Despite the Handpresso's higher pressure (16 bars to the Minipresso's 8), the Minipresso produces significantly better espresso.

Best Portable Espresso Makers in 2024

2023年3月23日 — What is the difference between Nanopresso and Minipresso?

5 Best Portable Espresso Makers (2022)

2021年8月27日 — Make a barista-worthy cup on the road, back at camp, or anywhere else, with these handheld machines.

Handpresso Wild Hybrid vs Wacaco Minipresso GR

2017年8月28日 — The Minipresso has more plastic parts, and they are a little thinner. The Handpresso uses a lot more metal, and the plastic it does use seems to ...

Handpresso vs. Minipresso: On-The

2022年3月1日 — Thinking of buying a portable espresso maker? Learn the differences between the handpresso vs minipresso to help you decide on one!

Minipresso VS Nanopresso:有什麼區別?

有沒有想過Nanopresso 和Minipresso 之間的確切區別是什麼?請收聽,咖啡師埃文將進行解釋。


2015年8月17日 — 這時就發現問題. 原以為handpresso比較不好用.不過這幾回出門使用之後.感覺二支功能不同. ... minipresso 一個人出門方便. 二支的濾杯大小有一些些差距分別 ...